Surrogacy in the News

Parents Are Demanding Surrogates Who Won’t Get the COVID Vaccine
Surrogacy agencies have been fielding so many requests for unvaccinated women that several have started specifically matching vaccine-averse prospective parents with surrogates who are willing to stay unvaccinated.

Top lawyers explain everything you need to know about surrogacy and peerages
"Any couple who have turned to surrogacy or other means of assisted reproduction know firstly, that it is never a first choice; secondly, that it is never an easy choice; and thirdly, that the legal framework can be very complex."

I gave birth as a surrogate in lockdown and had no problem handing the baby over - all I wanted to do was sleep
Emma is a surrogate and, within seconds, the baby was handed to two dads, Kevin and Aki, who welcomed her with tears streaming down their cheeks.

Connecticut Looks To Ensure Parentage Rights For LGBTQ Couples
Connecticut lawmakers will consider a bill that would extend parental status to non-biological, unmarried and same sex couples for the children under their care.

'It Wasn't Easy, But Adopting Our Three Children Was The Most Rewarding Thing We've Ever Done'
When Stu Oakley and his husband were looking to become parents, they turned to adoption. To mark LGBTQ+ Adoption And Fostering Week, he shares their journey to becoming a family of five...

Italy court urges more rights for children of gay couples
Italy's Constitutional Court on Tuesday said the country urgently needs a law on the rights of children of same-sex couples, in a step campaigners said did not go far enough.